Monday, May 07, 2007


I know we just posted a photo of him the post before last, but I just wanted to say that, even though I'm biased, I'm still right in saying that our Godson is one of the most beautiful babies in the world.

We got to see him (and his parents and brothers and sister) yesterday and he just gets more gorgeous everytime we see him with his dark curls, dark eyes, long eye-lashes and chubby flushed cheeks. I miss him today. Yesterday we realized that 2 months is too long to go in between seeing him. He didn't recognize us, which meant that, because we love him and didn't want to cause him distress, we didn't get to hold him really at all. Today I feel that lack of baby-cuddle.

But it was good to see his brother and sister and parents. I've known those kids since they were tiny. So we wrestled with all the kids (except Johnny) for a while, and then Jamie went out to play "soccer" with Joshua while I sat inside talking and rubbing Bella's back. There was lots of other conversation and play and ice-cream eating, but you don't want to hear all of that.

I miss that family. Why can't all my friends and family live within a 1-2 hour driving distance from us so we can see them all more often?

1 comment:

rjr said...

hi! nice new blog!!! i love it. this is my first visit, but I'll be back. :)