Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Looking back.

Today I got out all my scrapbooking stuff (which is mostly just dumped with no rhyme or reason in a plastic bin) and started working on our engagement scrapbook again. :) I know...I'm behind. Its been a while and I've forgotten some of the more detail-y things (like whether the Stupe or the bookstore picture comes first) so I opened up my old xanga and found my entries where I talked about getting engaged.

Its crazy looking back on my old entries. And fun. And makes me want to blog more. Ha ha. The major problem is that once I get started I just write and write and write and don't end up being able to finish my entry. And then I don't publish it because its not done. And then I don't come back to it until its really too out of date to publish. (You'd be amazed how many unpublished entries I have.)

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